IFS have the capacity to undertake projects ranging from
minor works to large density major contracts

Emergency Warning &
Intercommunication System

Occupant warning systems and emergency warning intercommunication system can be utilised in both automatic & manual form. The automatic feature of the audible system involves the direct connection to generally a fire sprinkler system and/ or fire detection system which is used to trigger the warning system. There are generally two tones commencing with an alert sequence followed by the evacuation tone.

A break glass alarm (BGA) when used in an EWIS system allow the warning system to be operated manually. They are located throughout the building & generally adjacent a warden phone. Speakers are available for different applications, decorative type fully recessed for office / commercial ceilings & horn type for exposed surface mount as in carparking areas & warehousing. The quantity and location of speakers is calculated based on a pre-determined DB reading that is required in accordance with the relative standard of performance. Additionally, some buildings require speech quality sound for intelligibility where additional & specialised speakers are utilised.

When setup with the appropriate amplification Warning system panels can also be used for background music when in normal condition & automatically switches over to the evacuation & alert tones when required by the building in fire mode. Most commonly used in large density shopping centres.

A Public Address system (P.A.) is another feature of the warning system.


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